is not only the art of invisibility The wide range of techniques was named only
when a very long time had passed. The origin goes back to the pre-history period
of japan when it was just known as 'The Theory of the Gods'
The KUKU family kepth registers of this under the title 'KUKISHIN RYU HAPPO BIKEN JUTSU' and they are part of the most advanced teachings of the YAGYU RYU (the 'YAGYU RYU HAPPO BIKEN JUTSU'). Within the IGA RYU it is also possible to find the 'HAPPO BIKEN JUTSU'. It is the essence of NINJUTSU.
The Martial Arts contribute to society in that its original intention is the protection of country, society, family, and oneself. There were many who changed this because they believed that the sword was only a tool to cut people down. This leads to frustration. 'God and the Budo man never take lives' is an old saying.
Within the martial arts world there are also the sayings: 'Do not deliver the first blow; keep the sword i nthe scabbard. Win without loss of blodd'. Though we can hear these principles from almost all the masters, the ninja were and are the only ones taking them to heart.
Explanation of Happo Biken Jutsu
'HAPPO' are the 8 types or sections of NINJTSU:
'BIKEN' is the designation for the group comprising 'KEN JUTSU - KODACHI JUTSU and JUTTE JUTSU'. The 'Jutte Jutsu' is the highest of the sword techniques. The offensive and the defensive use of both the 'TESSEN' (the iron fan) and the 'JUTTE' are found in this category.
There is also the 'TOAKO NO JUTSU' that enables one to overcome an opponent from distance.
There are secret scrolls and books with explanations about this skill but they are hardly intelligible.
Anyway, the most important point is to keep the 'Essence of a True Heart',
There are three types of KIAI used by the ninja:
'A', which produces a breaking effect in the opponents Ki
KA', which produces a similar effect in his technique
'EI', which breaks his body movement.