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Grandmaster Tanemura Shoto
Genbukan Ninpo
Kokusai Jujutsu Renmeri
Tatsumaki Dojo
Tatsumaki Dojo-Cho
The Heart of BU-FU
The following essay is the teachings of Bu-Fu (warrior-wind) and an
example of what one’s heart, as a warrior, should be like. Please read it over and
over, nurture and find its spirit within yourself.
As a warrior, one should constantly practice awareness, from the moment
one awakes in the morning; one should keep a watchful eye on his own behavior and
manners, his conduct, never forgetting the meaning of humanism. These are all Bu-Fu.
Never act violently nor be rough in nature, and at no time should you take life lightly. Try to
build up a gentle life style without hurrying through it. Consciously relax. Be not afraid
of life; allow yours to be gentle and rich in love, in accord with the spirit of
"Kajo Chikusei" or "Kajo Waraku", a flower’s heart, the spirit
contained within the growing bamboo.
If you are proud of the martial arts, do not tarnish their image by
acting violently. People often say that we should bring relief to those who suffer, stand
up against those who oppress others and knock them down. However, be also cautious of the
weak, never relax in their presence for, at times, they themselves turn into oppressors.
Be not one who seeks battles. If you wish to use this martial art, it should be for the
good of those in need, who truly are both good and honest, never in the cause of the
dishonest and evil. Those who follow these maxims may be termed true warriors.
If you are ridiculed or humiliated, do not allow it to move your heart;
laugh it off instead. It is this type of heart, which contains the truly strong spirit of
Nin, patience and perseverance. The true spirit of Nin lies also in the ability of not
drawing one’s "Katana", sword, too often, doing so rather, only at times of
intense need. A warrior must never forget this type of heart. Let your heart be strong and
your spirit be full of vigor, resembling the autumn sleet on fields shimmering in the
sunlight, and with love as that murmured by the fresh wind of spring.
To attain this type of heart, a good command of both philosophy and the
martial arts in true balance is of the utmost importance. Once obtained, the warrior is
then a true servant of Bu-Fu.
To begin learning the Ninja warrior-way, then, the study and cultivation
of culture and philosophy, and a heart full of evil-dispelling light, is essential. One
must have a flower’s heart and honesty, should be as clean-cut and straight, as a
blade cuts through a bamboo stalk. Allow your heart to grow the power to solve all of
life’s problems. Do not rely on your head alone, learn through your body as well. If
one is able to comprehend these essentials, he is sure to find his Bu-Fu
flowing within his body and heart.
Finally, one must turn all the above into reality, strive to accomplish
it all, so as to truly be a servant of Bu-Fu.
Let us train !
Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura Sensei