Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu has three parts which are Hanbojutsu (including Sensudori/Tessenjutsu), Jojutsu and Bojutsu (Rokushaku-Bojutsu).
Hanbojutsu is also called Sanjaku-Bojutsu. The length is "Sanjaku" (90.09 cm). The diameter is "Hachibu" to "Issun" (2.4 cm tot 3.3 cm). It is made from oak, as red oak was considered the Shogun’s tree. The length of this is the same as a sword from tip to tip. Therefore Kenjutsu and Hanbojutsu have a deep relationship.
In 38 AD, the Izumo Area Emperor Takeru fought with the aggressor Hirine. Takeru crushed the head of Hirine with a sword stick. This sword stick was Sanjaku Gosun (108 cm) and attached to one side is a small stone (sized 16.5 cm). These stories are taken from the scroll Amatsu-Tatara with special capitals.
Hanbojutsu techniques developed in the warring Era and there are two connected stories :
In January Engen 3 (1338), Ashikaga Takauji forces attacked the Emperor Godaigo’s forces at Kyoto. The Emperor’s side top fighter, who was Kukishin Ryu specialist Ohkuni Taro Takehide, fought with the top fighter of Ahikaga side Yashiro Ujisato. Ohkuni fought using a Rokushaku Yari (spear) and Yashiro fought using a Sanjaku-Hassun’s Tachi (long sword). Ohkuni’s Yari was cut by Yashiro’s Tachi. Suddenly Ohkuni jumped in and hit down on Yashiro with the remaining Sanjaku Bo. Then Ohkuni drew his short sword and cut the neck of Yashiro.
In Tensho 3 (1575) on the 4th of May, the combined forces of Oda and Tokugawa battled with Takeda Katsuyori at Nagashino. The top fighter of the Takeda side and Kurama Ryu expert Suzuki Tangonokami Katsuhisa, who fought using Sanjaku-Gosun’s Tachi while horseriding. The top fighter of the Oda side and the Kukishin Ryu expert Inaba Kaja Yoshitame (another story is Kuriyama Ukon) who fought using red oak Rokushaku-Bo of an octagon shape while horseriding. Inaba’s Rokushaku-Bo was cut in the center by Suzuki’s Tachi. And Suzuki tried to cut downward from Daijodan, but Inaba hit up against Suzuki’s hands with remaining Sanjaku-Bo piece. Suzuki dropped his Tachi and he received a Yari from his retainer. Suzuki tried to thrust but Inaba changed his body and hit into Suzuki’s head with the Sanjaku-Bo. Suzuki collapsed from horse with blood issueing from his mouth and died.
In ancient ages, the Gobu length round shape stone was put on both sides of a Hassaku-Bo. Later, that took off both stones and developed Rokushaku-Bojutsu. In Engen 1 (1336) on December 21th-night, Yakushimaru Krando Takamasa helped out Emperor Godaigo, who was caught by Ashikaga Takauji. The Yakushimaru group were surrounded by Ashikaga forces of 10000 soldiers at Kuragari Toge. He fought with the top fighter of Ashikaga side, Satake Kaja Goromaru. His big Naginata was cut by Satake’s big Tachi. Suddenly he jumped in and hit the head of Satake using the remaining Rokushaku length Bo. Satake died and Yakushimaru escaped with his group using a special Kuji-Kiri. For this effort, Yakushimaru was given the family name "Kuki" from Emperor Godaigo. Hontai Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu was a tradition from Ohkuni Onihei through the Yakushimaru and Ohkuni families.
Jojutsu was established in 1336 to 1338 from Hanbojutsu, Rokushaku-Bojutsu, Kenpo and from Ohkuni Yukihisa written with in the Amatsu Tatara Kangi Scrolls. This art was taught by a Kumano Area Gyoja (mountain priest).
Nowadays almost all Kukishin Ryu line Bojutsu were taught and developed by Takamatsu Toshitsugu Sensei.
By Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura Sensei